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Solar Watch
Geomagnetic fields - Solar data
Transits of the sun in -
Aries: April 19th - May 13th
Taurus: May 14th - June 19th
Gemini: June 20th - July 20th
Cancer: July 21st - August 9th
Leo: August 10th - September 15th
Virgo: September 16th - October 30th
Scorpio: November 23rd - November 29th
Ophiucus: November 30th - December 17th
Central Galactic Plane: December 15th - December 25th
Saggitarius: December 18th - January 18th
Capricorn: January 19th - February 15th
Aquarius: February 16th - March 11th
Piscis: March 12th - April 18th